Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The beginning-Jackie

When we got to Olive-tree, everything felt so surreal. I could not believe I was really here; it took my breath away. I was glad first of all, to be staying at Olive tree instead of the PDA camp I was in when I went to Mississippi. Olive tree is warmer and nicer and I was so excited to be here. I really enjoyed taking the tour the next day. It brought back the same sadness I had last year, seeing front steps leading to no where and houses that were still untouched. Still, it gave me hope to see that houses were still being worked on and also that more New Orleans natives were moving back home. The tour brought back memories of my time here last year and my home owner who helped build 18 houses before building his. I remembered how great it felt to help build a house from the floor up. A house is not just a house, it is a home. A home where people had build memories, experiences and history. A lot of people lost all of this and one can imagine what they gain when their homes are build back up. A new home means that a family can now start over. Looking around, I feel really blessed for having a home to go to and my heart goes out to families who lost loved ones on this ground I stand on. I am excited to keep doing work here.

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