Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I remember when this documentary first appeared on HBO, and my dad gathered our family to sit and watch it. it was a very mind-bogging experience, because hearing something and seeing them are two different things. I did not realize how big the cry for help was in New Orleans, and all the assistance they really needed were not being completely received. Vacuuming the water out of your basement after a huge rainfall is one thing, but trying to fix a community after a storm destroys a city is challenging. What really surprises me though, is how people's lives were put on hold, while the city is slowly being rebuilt. And how without the community, people who can afford to relocate try to, while others are stuck to suffer with lack of jobs or any resources.
Well I know we cannot change everything, but I am really excited to make an impact and help produce a result. I always wanted to go to New Orleans for a chance to give a helping hand and help in spots the government has missed. As well as going to experience an enriching cultural experience and exotic food.

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